Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thing #3 - How I Plan to Use Blogs at School

Wow, I'm not sure how I'll use a blog yet for school...

Maybe I'll use it to get my students to turn in their computer lab writing assignments.

Maybe I'll get my 5th grade teacher team to use it to share ideas.

Maybe I'll use it as a personal "keep track of cool teacher stuff I find online" tool.

I could keep a private blog to track student anecdotes/achievement for the purpose of Quest nominations, SAT meetings, and/or parent conferences.

Maybe I'll have students make a group blog to share their progress on a web-based scavenger hunt for thematic unit-based content.

Since few of my students have home internet access, creating a homework blog or assignment list probably won't be the best use of a blog.

(And I'll link to that Edublog list of ideas here for future reference.)

UPDATE: In composing my Thing #4 post - I just thought of another thing I might do - use comments on a passage to encourage my students to become better readers by commenting on it, blog-style!

1 comment:

mmw said...

Great ideas! I especially like that last one - it really uses all of a blog's capabilities for creating and sharing and discussing information.

You may find later on that some of the other ideas you had for a blog will actually work better with another tool that we will learn about.