Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thing #0 - An Introduction

Welcome to Things to the Twenty-Third Power! I know, I know... "Things23" is not equivalent to "23 Things," but the way I see this course -- and technology in general -- is that things tend to grow, exponentially, as they're grouped together. We won't just have blogs and podcasts -- we'll connect them so we have podcasts ON a blog! Using these things in conjunction with each other? It's like their usefulness is multiplied!!!

I'm Summer Marshall, self-declared science geek, math teacher, and fifth-grade teacher at Floyd Elementary. I just finished my first year teaching. And, as a matter of fact, my certification from SBEC is in the mail TODAY! Woo hoo!

I heart my job ('specially now that school's out)!


AMSHisteacher said...

Summer, you are so right. I believe we will grow exponentially. Congrats on your new certification. Teaching is a full time year round job, or hadn't you heard. We just get a slower schedule in the summer.

Hope you learn something new and exciting every day of your life.

Kimberly said...

Congratulations on your certification and surviving your first year teaching!!! I am at Galloway,and although I teach 2nd, I have taught 6th and 3rd, and am available if you ever need anything. I am looking forward to what we will learn in this course.

Happy as a School Nurse said...

Hey, Summer! I found you. I clicked on your blog because I really loved the name and even before I read anything, I knew that this blog was yours from the avatar. HA! I used to be great at math and loved science. Now I am old and a prime example of the adage "What you don't use, you lose".Your students are lucky to have such an enthusiastic teacher. You are making a wonderful difference in the lives of some students that really, really need it.

Summer said...

Thanks, y'all! Summer's half over now, and I already feel like the year starts, like, next week!