Friday, July 18, 2008

Thing #12 - Google Eyes

I have a Google Calendar, and I stopped using it this school year (I used the Outlook calendar instead), but I've used it a lot this summer. Search "Summer Marshall" to find it; it's public. I searched for other public calendars, and WOW! The presidential candidates' campaign calendars are on there!

I set up an iGoogle page; I've needed a good home page for a long time. I love that you can simply drag the items to wherever you want them to go! I played around with themes - and eventually chose the 10 PĆ£ezinhos theme. And the gadgets!!! Wow! Lots of them are ugly and suffer from what I call the "MySpace syndrome," being too flashy and redundant, but I ended up adding the YouTube gadget, Word of the Day, Einstein Quote of the Day, and Hot Guy of the Day. (Just kidding on that last one; it doesn't exist. I checked!!!) (There are, though, DOZENS of Hot Chick of the Day "gadgets.")

But Google Sites is a major interest in terms of school use. I wish Google wasn't behind the firewall, though, because entering my password EVERY TIME I want to Google something or use a Google app is REALLY annoying. (Can you tell how I really feel?) I made a site that I may use for a class "home page" -- One Hundred Percent Marshall! I'm still playing around with it... I can't figure out how to change the layout yet, but I haven't done much instruction-reading!

And I'm really curious about Google Notebook. That'll take me a while to digest; I'm not sure if it's redundant with the programs I'm already using.

1 comment:

mmw said...

If you are interested, there is a way to sync your Outlook calendar with your Google calendar. Check out the Help on Google calendar - it outlines all the steps.