Friday, July 18, 2008

Thing #13 - Unlucky?

Since I've played with Google's product in the past, I'll tinker around with Zoho.  Already, this app is freaking me out.  I'm composing this blog entry on Zoho, and we'll see how it turns out!

I am very used to Google Docs, but this seems a lot more complex.  My husband and I used Google spreadsheet to build the invite list for our wedding, complete with addresses and replies; we also tracked our wedding gifts and whether we'd sent a thank-you note!  I loved that we could collaborate (if his mom emailed him with an address, he could add it himself; if he unwrapped a gift, he added it to the list when I wasn't home).

UPDATE: Okay, I just published the above to Blogger. I LOVE how they let you publish as a draft (something I really wish Flickr would let you do). As far as formatting goes, though, I write in the "Edit Html" window instead of using "Compose" - it makes me feel more in control - and the HTML for the above text looks pretty opaque.

I did, though, in the Google Docs Power User article, read about how Google lets you post to your blog, too. So let me try that -- look for Thing#13.1 in a sec!

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