Friday, July 18, 2008

Thing #14 - Flow Yeah!

Here's my experience with Gliffy. I'm not a huge flow chart person, though personality-wise, I should be. When I was in 2nd grade, my parents had a First Aid book that featured all kinds of flow charts to diagnose/treat/advise in different health situations. It was AWESOME (and when my mom cut her finger with a peeler, she was royally annoyed with my incessant questioning). I set out to recreate a flowchart from Cooking for Engineers, one of my faves: Making Lime Juice!

Flow charts are very procedural, follow-the-line graphic organizers (I'm thinking about the Flow Map, with split-offs). But mind maps are much more fluid, loose, and non-procedural - like neural nets without the synapse.

So, I then tried out Mindmeister, making a mindmap of some Web 2.0 ideas/associations:

Our campus uses Thinking Maps, and I wish there was an online collaborative app for these. Well! A quick google leads me to this, a place where you can buy Thinking Maps software. But is it web-based? No! But I think that in our Promethean software, we have the ability to type onto them. So I'll definitely use some of those in teaching content as well as going back to that "teaching how to decide what's true and real" online.

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