Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thing #20 - YouTube, iTube, We All Tube for YouTube!

I heart YouTube!

My favorite thing about YouTube is they way they immediately link to related videos. One night, I was bored, so I searched for "baby laughing," and I was fully entertained for at least half an hour, following the related video trails.

My all-time favorite YouTube video is of prison inmates in the Philippines doing a rehearsal of Michael Jackson's "Thriller":

Gotta love it. And in the related videos, you can see several other routines the prisoners did - just look for the orange jumpsuits!

The biggest dislike I have about YouTube is the commenters! I have, quite literally, never found an intelligent or interesting comment under any of the videos I've seen. (I may not be looking under the right kids of videos, though, so no offense if you guys have commented!)

I'd like to offer "Video of the Week" as a reward for my class. If everyone turns in their homework, they could get to watch a video of my choice. First up? Fainting Goats!!!

I would love to be able to use this on my campus, but I'm not sure if we could get past the firewall... And if by accident, a questionably-appropriate link showed up in related videos, my job could be on the line. Has anyone worked around this? Do YouTube imbeds work in front of the firewall?

Can you see any features or components of the site that might be interesting if they were applied to your library website?


mmw said...

Even if the blog in which you embed your video isn't blocked - the YouTube video most likely would be.

Some people use a site like to get a file that they can show without having to go out to YouTube. You might take a look at that or check TeacherTube for the same video. TeacherTube is not blocked.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with your assessment of the comments attached to the videos. For the most part they are narrowminded, negative and quite frankly idiotic.

CoachD said...

That video is to funny of the prisioners doing Thriller.
I was wondering the same thing that you were of using You Tube and being blocked. Thanks mmw for your answer of the alternate sites!