Friday, July 18, 2008

Thing #17 - Magically!

This just keeps getting better! I have always meant to set up for myself, but I never got around to it. So thank you, 23 Things!

I am delighted by the terminology involved in a lot of Web 2.0 stuff... The name of is a clever play on URL extensions. I love "folksonomy," to play off the stodgier "taxonomy" as an organizational model. Also, "bookmarklets" are neato - like cute, lighter versions of the heavy bookmarks. I like the abundance -- yet clarity -- of information; I see tags given to a page by others, and then I can click through to them

On Furl, I was disappointed in the Most Popular Bookmarks on the main page. And the tutorial was boring... So meh. I jumped ship. But hey, that's the way it is with the web... If something doesn't grab you, it's super easy to find something else quickly!

The Ma.gnolia service seems very similar to, a bit homier-looking, perhaps, but functionality seems really similar. (And I hate to say this, but the period-in-the-midst-of-the-name thing is so copying!)

My preference with social bookmarking sites is similar to my preference with a lot of things - which is the most popular? (Even though BetaMAX was a better format, my parents chose VHS because it became ubiquitous; I learned a lot from that lesson when I was, what, 6 years old?) Sometimes, even if something's an inferior product (which I'm not saying is), the sheer availability becomes important. I know that is supported just about everywhere. Woo hoo!

I've been meaning to get started on what I'm calling my "TEKS Project" all summer - my categorization of web resources, organized by TEKS. This may be a great help in finding lesson plans specific to TEKS - though a cursory search for "TEKS math 5.1a" doesn't come up with anything - at least I'll be able to stockpile stuff I do find in an easily-accesible, sharable place.

As far as the social aspect, I can see wanting to share, share, and share (and borrow, borrow, and borrow) a lot when I find useful information.

I'm putting my feeds on my iGoogle page, on my "School" tab along with the RSS feed for my 5th grade wiki updates!

And check out the bottom of my page! Badgeriffic!

1 comment:

Happy as a School Nurse said...

Love your new picture! I am so far behind on this project. :( I got a little overwhelmed with too many projects for summertime. I am very impressed with your progress, you are really cooking!