Friday, July 18, 2008

Thing #15 - Wiki Which

One thing I'm struck by as I explore wikis is how it seems that librarians are totally kicking teachers' butts when it comes to active use! C'mon, teachers! Let's get wiki-ing!

Here's what I put on the Collaboration page of the misd23things wiki:
I've always wanted to share ideas with other teachers in my school, district, state, etc. - but everything seems so scattered! If I have a connection with certain teachers, we can share a wiki to discuss/play with/collaborate on ideas for the upcoming school year, ways to deal with TAKS, and even stuff like plans for field trips! And I am super-excited about trying to convince my grade-mates to make wikis about our thematic units! - Summer M.
And then this is what I put in the sandbox - hope no one kicks me in the face with the sand for it:
¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤Well, okay... So I got a little curvy square!
The button said "Insert Special Character" (look at the keyboard key above) - and I thought they meant me!
¤ ¤¤ ¤
But the real meat - I made a wiki; maybe I'll be able to get buy-in from my team! See, here it is! I'm going to email my team today and see if they'll add on!


mmw said...

Pencil sharpening??? ;-)

Love your wiki. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you can get your team to use it!

Summer said...

Yeah, pencil sharpening (and breaking, and losing) was one of my major irks last year!