Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thing #19 - Nets Work!

I'd never heard of Ning. But hey, it looks cool. I signed up, commented, and added a photo of a pie I made Thursday (from my phone, yay). I hope we stay in touch!

A lot of social communities are interesting to me. I'm used to looking at the Internet as a place to go out and find stuff, not as a place to interact with people. (I say that, but I LOVED the online dating scene back in the day.) I don't feel I need a personal relationship with people on a message board to get information, but I'm sure it helps! Just like teaching kids!

My additional community I chose to examine was Goodreads. Here's my profile: Link. I have the traditional "to read," "currently reading," and "read" shelves, but I added two: "Class Library" for books appropriate to either read to my students or let them read; and "Professional Library" so I can keep my "teacher books" separate and easy to find.

I'm going to use Goodreads to track my class library! I'll use the "class library" shelf I've created to make notes about books' contents (and maybe access to online stuff about the books).

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